
Monday 2 November 2015

Location and Language Targeting?

In this blog post we’ll be touching on the basics of Language & Location targeting, with its benefits and how to set it up for your business.
Location Targeting
With AdWords, you can target your ads to customers in specific geographic locations, or customers who have selected your targeted language as their interface language. This can help ensure that your ads are reaching the customers you want, and in turn increase your ROI (Return on Investment).
So for example, if you live in South Africa and want to target your ads to people in Cape Town, or people in both Cape Town and Johannesburg, you can do that with location targeting.
Language Targeting
It’s very important to communicate with your customers in the language they speak, otherwise it will be very difficult to get your message across to the right audience.
With the language targeting feature, your ads can appear on websites and in Google products that are written in the languages that your campaign target.
Google targets language by the customer’s interface language, which you can edit in your browser.
How AdWords Detects Languages
Every Google domain has a default language. For example, defaults to English, defaults to English, defaults to French etc. You can change your default language in the Preferences link in the Google homepage. This means that a South African who moves to France can change the default language to English, Afrikaans, Xhosa etc. When you change your default language, you will then see ads targeting that language.
Set up language targeting
  1. Sign in to your AdWords account
  2. Click the Campaigns tab
  3. Click the name of the campaign that you wish to edit to open your campaign settings
  4. Click the Settings tab
  5. Next to Languages, click Edit
  6. Select your target language(s)
  7. Click Save

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