
Monday 2 November 2015

How to build the best keyword list

Selecting the right keyword list for your campaign can help you show your ads to the customers you want as they search for specific terms or visit certain websites. Your keywords should match the terms your potential customers would use to find your products or services.
Google surprised AdWords users in May this year with their announcement that AdWords ad rotation would automatically stop and favour only the ad with highest CTR, after the ads were active for 30 days.

Google’s ad rotation settings will switch from ‘rotate’ to favor the ad with highest CTR, unless you take action.  If you don’t want to opt out, and you want to restore even rotation on your ads after the 90 day period, it is not a huge problem.

Location and Language Targeting?

In this blog post we’ll be touching on the basics of Language & Location targeting, with its benefits and how to set it up for your business.
Location Targeting
With AdWords, you can target your ads to customers in specific geographic locations, or customers who have selected your targeted language as their interface language. This can help ensure that your ads are reaching the customers you want, and in turn increase your ROI (Return on Investment).
So for example, if you live in South Africa and want to target your ads to people in Cape Town, or people in both Cape Town and Johannesburg, you can do that with location targeting.
Language Targeting
It’s very important to communicate with your customers in the language they speak, otherwise it will be very difficult to get your message across to the right audience.
With the language targeting feature, your ads can appear on websites and in Google products that are written in the languages that your campaign target.
Google targets language by the customer’s interface language, which you can edit in your browser.
How AdWords Detects Languages
Every Google domain has a default language. For example, defaults to English, defaults to English, defaults to French etc. You can change your default language in the Preferences link in the Google homepage. This means that a South African who moves to France can change the default language to English, Afrikaans, Xhosa etc. When you change your default language, you will then see ads targeting that language.
Set up language targeting
  1. Sign in to your AdWords account
  2. Click the Campaigns tab
  3. Click the name of the campaign that you wish to edit to open your campaign settings
  4. Click the Settings tab
  5. Next to Languages, click Edit
  6. Select your target language(s)
  7. Click Save

Ad extensions create more reasons to click your ad:

Ad extensions are a type of ad format that show extra information (“extending” from your text ads) about your business. Some can be added manually and others are automated.

Improved visibility: Ad extensions tend to improve your ad’s visibility. They often appear above the search results, rather than along the sidebar. If two competing ads have the same bid and quality, the ad with greater expected impact from extensions will generally appear in a higher ad position than the other.
Better return on investment: Extensions can help improve the clickthrough rate (CTR) of your ads. More clicks means more customer traffic.

How ad extensions work:

AdWords shows one or more extensions with your ad when it calculates that the extension (or combination of extensions) will improve your campaign performance, and when your Ad Rank is high enough for it to appear. Adding an extension won’t guarantee that it will show with your ad, but you can keep track of when your extensions are appearing on the Ad extensions tab. Learn why extensions might not show with your ad.

Automated extensions: AdWords creates and displays the automated extensions formats (seller ratings, consumer ratings, social extensions, and previous visits) when it predicts that they’ll improve your ad’s performance. No setup is required, so the option to create automated extensions doesn't appear in the drop-down menu of the Ad extensions tab.

Different Types of Ad Extensions:

•    Location
•    Call
•    Social

Difference between final url and destination url

what is enhanced cpc?

Enhanced CPC is a new feature available to those who use Google AdWords conversion tracking on max CPC campaigns. It's designed to increase campaign ROI
Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC) is a bidding feature that raises your bid for clicks that seem more likely to lead to a sale or conversion on your website. That helps you get more value from your ad budget.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

AdWords Application Programming Interface (API)?

AdWords Application Programming Interface (API)
The Google AdWords Application Programming Interface (API) is designed for developers representing large, tech-savvy advertisers and third parties. This includes agencies, search engine marketers (SEMs), and other online marketing professionals who manage multiple client accounts or large campaigns.
The Google AdWords API lets developers build applications that interact directly with the Google AdWords server. With these applications, advertisers and third parties can more efficiently and creatively manage their large or complex AdWords accounts and campaigns.
How you can use the API
Because implementing the AdWords API takes technical know-how and programming skills, best results can be achieved by advertisers who employ software developers.
The API is flexible and functional -- you can use it to build an application that meets your needs. Using the API, you can:
Automatically generate keywords, ad text, landing pages, and custom reports.
Integrate AdWords data with your inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock.
Develop additional tools and applications to help you manage accounts.
And you can even develop in the language of your choice. The AdWords API SOAP interface is supported by all popular programming languages, including Java, PHP, Python, .NET, Perl, and Ruby.
Getting started with the API

Signing up is easy. All you need is an active AdWords account. Once you've registered as a developer, you can access the AdWords API Center to manage your token and budget settings. Your developer token is a unique combination of letters, numbers, and characters that identifies your AdWords API activity. It's your key to talking to the AdWords server and your clients' AdWords accounts.

What is merchant center?Advantage Of Google Merchant Center

Google Merchant Center is a tool which helps you to upload your product listings for use with Google Shopping, Google Product Ads, and Google Commerce Search.
What is Google Merchant Center?
Google Merchant Center is a tool which helps you to upload your product listings for use with Google Shopping, Google Product Ads, and Google Commerce Search.
So, if someone searches for a product on Google Shopping:, items listed here, will have been uploaded to Google Merchant Center.
Please note that in order to advertise your products on Google Shopping, you will need to book Product Listing Ads with Google. This a paid for service powered by Google Ad words where you will pay per click when advertising your products on Google Shopping.

How to set up your Create account with Google Merchant Center?
With Create, you will be able to upload a feed of your products to Google Merchant Center to start listing them.
You will first need to make sure your products comply with Google Merchant Center's specifications. You can find out what you need to do, on this guide about product specification here.
Then, you will be able to upload your feed to your Google Merchant account by following the steps on our guide here.
Once you have successfully uploaded your products, you will then need to set up your Product Listing Ads. You can see how to do this on Google's instructional video here.
Once all this is set up, you are ready to start advertising your Create products Google Shopping Results.

If your business showcases products online, then you should be familiar with Google Merchant Center. If you aren’t, then you should keep on reading, As Google Merchant Center can help increase the reach and impact of your Internet marketing efforts.
So what is Google Merchant Center? It’s an online business tool that lets you provide Google with a feed of all the products you promote and/or sell online (this usually means items you sell through a shopping cart on your website). This allows specific products and product information to show up within Google Product Search, on Google SERPs with images and other Google properties.
Now, just setting up an account and a feed does not mean that your products will always appear for related searches, or even for some very focused searches. Google doesn’t always choose to show information from Merchant Accounts in results, and when they do, the results are sometimes very competitive with so many vendors feeding product info to Google. But as the image below illustrates, when Google does choose to show Merchant Center products in its results, those products really stick out from the regular text results.

what is adwords editor?

AdWords Editor is a free, downloadable application for managing your AdWords advertising campaigns. The basic process is simple: download one or more accounts, make changes offline, then upload the changes to AdWords.
AdWords Editor & its Benefits
AdWords Editor is a free Google application that makes managing your AdWords campaigns easier and quicker.  It allows you to update and edit your campaigns and then upload the changes to your AdWords account. There are numerous benefits derived from using AdWords Editor some are as follows:
·         Work Offline -It allows you to work offline on changes and then upload them at a later stage
·         Avoid mistakes -You don’t need to worry about mistakes as no changes are implemented until you post them
·         Easy to undo – changes are easily undone by simply selecting the changes and reverting it.
·         Bulk changes – You can make a large amount of changes in just a few steps for example add multiple keywords
·         Copy and move items – It is easy to copy and move items between ad groups and/or campaign including keywords and ads. You can also copy and move ad groups to different campaigns. This can save a significant amount of time.
·         Navigation – It is easy and quick to navigate around
·         Save snapshot – It allows you to save a snapshot of the account which includes statistics for a chosen period of time
·         Avoid duplicate keywords – It helps you find duplicate keywords in the same ad group or in other ad groups, this ensures that you are not bidding against yourself
·         Negative keyword management – is made easier as multiple one can be uploaded at a given time
Whether you are new to Google AdWords or have been using it for years, AdWords Editor is an essential tool that every PPC Marketer should be using. It can save significant time when managing a campaign. Here we find the tool invaluable

What is Ad Words Express?How does AdWords Express work?

Google Ad Words Express is an advertising product that automatically manages your online ads, without the need for daily management or tasks. Your potential customers already search Google for the products and services that you offer.


What is Ad Words Express?
Google Ad Words Express is an advertising product that automatically manages your online ads, without the need for daily management or tasks.
Your potential customers already search Google for the products and services that you offer. Ad Words Express helps these customers find your business through ads on Google or Google Maps.

How does AdWords Express work?

Managing a business is already a full-time job -- advertising your business online doesn't have to be. AdWords Express is designed to make advertising your business a snap.
Getting started with AdWords Express takes just a few minutes:
 for your business, decide on a budget
, select the product or service
 that your business offers, and let us come up with a list of related search phrases
. After the initial setup, AdWords Express manages your ads automatically.
When customers search for products or services related to your search phrases on Google, your ad is eligible to appear next to, above, or below search results. On Google Maps, your ad is eligible to appear directly on the map or beneath the search results. You have the option of including your business address and phone number in your ad as well. You'll pay only when someone clicks
 your ad, and you can edit your ad or cancel your advertising at any time by visiting your Ad Words Express account.

Benefits of advertising with Ad Words Express:

          Create an online ad quickly and easily.
         Pay only when people click on your ad.
         Attract more customers to your website or Google+ page.
         Minimal ongoing management necessary. Ad Words Express runs your ads for you.
         Reach customers on desktop computers and mobile devices (such as smart phones and tablets).
         Review the effectiveness of your ads in your dashboard.

Difference between average CPC and Maximum CPC?

Average CPC - also referred to as Avg. CPC:
This is literally the average amount you pay each time someone clicks your ad. The Avg. CPC you see in your account is determined by totalling the cost of all clicks and dividing that total by the number of clicks.
Maximum CPC - also referred to as Max CPC:
Maximum cost-per-click (CPC) is set by you, the advertiser, and is the highest amount that you are willing to pay for a click on your ad. You can set a maximum CPC at the keyword or ad group level. If you're interested in a deeper look at Max CPC, you'll find more information. 

what is quality score in adwords?Benefits of Improving Google Quality Score?

This is the Quality Score that Google issues your keywords, and it's visible in the AdWords interface. A keyword's Quality Score is scoredon a scale of 1 – 10 with 1 being poor and 10 being great. Your keyword- level score is calculated by the performance of search queries that exactly match your keyword.

Benefits of Improving Google Quality Score
By analyzing thousands of PPC accounts, we know that Quality Score has a direct correlation on your PPC success. By optimizing your Quality Scores, you’ll be setting yourself up for higher return on investment (ROI). That’s because higher Quality Scores correlate with lower cost per conversion! Cost per conversion is different from cost per click. It’s not how much you pay for each click, but how much you pay when someone takes the action you want them to take, whether that’s signing up for a free trial or making a product purchase. Since not every click results in a conversion, cost per conversion is generally higher than cost per click.
Luckily, strong Quality Scores lower both your cost per click and your cost per conversion.

Generally speaking, the higher your Quality Score, the lower your cost per conversion. Remember, a high Quality Score is Google's way of saying that your PPC ad meets your potential customers’ needs. The better you are at meeting the prospect’s ne
eds, the less Google will charge you for the ad click.

What is Adrank?How to calculate adrank?

Ad ranking in Internet marketing is the position of a pay-per-click (PPC)ad on a search engine results page (SERP). The position of this addepends on the position of each keyword included in the ad, which is determined by your bid for that keyword or ad group multiplied by the matched keyword's Quality Score.


What Is Google AdWords? How the AdWords Auction Works?Why Use Adwords?

AdWords (Google AdWords) is an advertising service by Google for businesses wanting to display ads on Google and its advertising network. The AdWords program enables businesses to set a budget for advertising and only pay when people click the ads. The ad service is largely focused on keywords.

What Is Google AdWords? How the AdWords Auction Works?

The Effectiveness of Google Ads
“Why use AdWords” and "Does Google Ad Words Work?" are pretty common keyword phrase searched on Google, which suggests that there are a lot of marketers and business owners out there who have heard about Google AdWords but aren’t sure if and how it can work for them. We believe that AdWords – Google’s enormously successful pay-per-click (PPC) advertising system – can work for almost any type of business. Using AdWords (or any PPC platform) requires time and money, but thousands of businesses have found that it’s time and money well spent, because AdWords delivers measurable ROI. We’ve devoted countless pages to how you should use AdWords. In this post, we’ll answer the question of whyyou should use it.
Before any of our SEO-loving readers get up in arms, let me preface this by saying that we’re not advocating that you do PPC to the exclusion of other marketing activities. As always, we recommend a healthy balance of marketing channels, including organic search (check out our recent 10-step guide to ranking for a keyword), email marketing, events, social media and other lead sources. How you allocate your marketing budget will depend on which channels turn out to be most effective for your business.
But if you’ve never used Google AdWords before, and you’re wondering whether or not it’s worthwhile, this post is for you. Here are 10 reasons to use AdWords.

1. AdWords Is Scalable
One of the trickiest challenges for any marketer is finding lead sources that scale – meaning, it doesn’t require five times the effort to get five times the leads. Google AdWords is highly scalable, which is whysome business spend millions of dollars a year on AdWords advertising. If you create an  Ad Words campaign that is converting at a profitable rate, there is no reason to arbitrarily cap spend on that campaign. You can increase your PPC budget and your leads and profits will increase accordingly. This makes AdWords highly effective for businesses that need a lot of leads but are short on time and heads.
2. AdWords Is Measurable
Compared to traditional marketing channels like TV and magazine advertising, online marketing is highly measureable, and AdWords PPC is one of the most measurable of online channels. It’s difficult to make exact measurements in SEO because you can’t always know what actions led to increased or decreased rankings. Then there’s the whole “not provided” fiasco. Social media can be equally difficult to measure. In comparison, AdWords is more transparent, providing tons of PPC metrics that allow you to see at a granular level what works and what doesn’t. You can pretty quickly determine if your campaigns are sucking or returning ROI.
3. AdWords Is Flexible
AdWords provides tons of options so you can customize your campaigns and ads to your particular needs,hyper-targeting the audiences you most want to reach. For example, with AdWords you can:
Specify keyword match types – You can, for example, only display your ad to people who search for an exact keyword you specify, like “vegas hotels” – filtering out traffic on general terms related to Las Vegas or hotels. (SEO, on the other hand, is aspirational; you can’t define what you rank for, you can only hope for the best.)

Use ad extensions to display product images, a phone number, a mega-pack of links to your site, your physical location – you can even initiate a chat or get an email address right from the SERP.
Narrow your audience by location, time of day, language, browser or device type and more. A good portion of your SEO traffic may be worthless to you (for example, if you only need US-based leads, and half your web traffic comes from Australia), but in AdWords, you don’t have to display your ads around the world.
Access an enormous network of non-search users on properties like Gmail and YouTube and tons of partner sites.
Leverage the display network, which is great for building brand awareness and often converts at a lower cost than Google Search.
4. AdWords Is Faster than SEO
For new businesses and websites, it can take months to see results from SEO. This perceived “penalty” used to be referred to as the Google sandbox effect – people assumed Google was intentionally filtering new websites out of the results. More likely the problem is that competition is fierce and it takes time for a website to “prove” itself and earn authority and links.  
AdWords is a great workaround for new businesses because you don’t have to wait around so long to see results. While working on your site’s SEO, you can put resources into an AdWords campaign and start getting impressions and clicks immediately. Because it’s so speedy, it’s also a good way to test whether a given keyword or audience is worth pursing via organic search – if it converts well in AdWords, you can deduce that it’s worth trying to rank for in SEO and build out your content in that area. (Just one of the ways that AdWords and SEO are two great tastes that taste great together.)

As an added bonus, you can often get started on AdWords very cheaply – Google often offers vouchers (basically free PPC budget) for new advertisers. Right now it’s running a special fo r AdWords Express:Sign up by December 16 and get a free month of advertising.

5. AdWords Is (Usually) Easier than SEO
Larry has argued in the past that SEO is much harder than PPC. His arguments were met with disagreement, but probably more because of how he said them than what he was saying. Here are WordStream, we’re seasoned practitioners of both SEO and PPC. And now that our PPC campaigns are built and in place, we find they require much less effort to maintain than our SEO efforts. Not only is our enormous beast of a website very difficult to keep up to date (which plagues me), but in order to increase organic traffic, it takes a team of 3-5 constantly churning out SEO content, working on optimization and building links. It’s fun, creative and rewarding when it works – but it’s also a relief to know that we can depend on PPC to deliver leads without all the hoops to jump through.
AdWords is also probably easier to learn because there’s less contradictory information out there. If you’re not inside the industry, it can be hard as a marketer to know which sources are honest and which are just selling proverbial snake oil. On the other hand, there isn’t a whole industry built around “gaming” AdWords. Check out our AdWords Learning Center for help getting started.
6. AdWords Is Taking Over the SERPs
AdWords is Google’s baby (it should be – it accounts for about 97% of their revenues), and over time the SERP has changed so that more and more above-the-fold real estate is given to ads rather than organic results. This can be frustrating both for SEOs and users. But if you engage in PPC, it’s not all bad! It’s an opportunity for you to get your message high up on the SERP in a highly clickable way – it’s a myth that no one clicks on AdWords ads. For queries with high commercial intent (hint: those are the ones you’d want to be advertising on), sponsored ads take up to 2 out of 3 clicks on the first page.

7. AdWords Formats Can Be More Engaging than Organic Results
Google has rolled out lots of new ad formats in the past couple of years, such as product listing ads and in-video ads on YouTube. Google is motivated to do this because shinier, more engaging ads get more clicks and that means more revenue for Google. But higher clicks are good for the advertiser too, so take advantage of these new ad formats and extensions. Organic listings look pretty boring in comparison.
8. AdWords Traffic Might Convert Better than Organic Traffic
Hey, organic traffic is great, we don’t knock it! But there’s some evidence that paid search traffic converts better than organic traffic – with conversion rates up to two times higher. (Conversion rates vary by industry, and as always, this may not be true for your particular business, but you won’t know until you try.) This is probably due to the fact that paid search traffic is more targeted and qualified (due to those targeting options we talked about above), and that queries that result in ad clicks are much more likely to be commercial in nature, rather than informational.
9. AdWords Complements Your Other Marketing Channels
AdWords is complementary to your other marketing efforts. Remarketing is an especially powerful way to use AdWords to target people who have shown an interest in your business. With AdWords remarketing, you can track past visitors to your website with a cookie (these people may have found you through social media, your blog, a click on a product page from a forwarded email, etc.). Your display ads will then “follow” them around the Internet, so your brand stays top of mind. For example, the Land’s End and Priceline ads below are both retargeted – I visited those websites in the past 30 days.

You can even show them the exact product that they searched for. Along with cart abandonment emails (same principle), retargeted ads have super-high ROI compared to other marketing channels.
10. Your Competitors Are Using AdWords
Finally, there’s peer pressure: The old “Everyone else is doing it, so why not you?” argument. It doesn’t work for jumping off a cliff, but it is persuasive when it comes to search engine marketing. Covario recently reported that global paid search spending increased by 33% in the third quarter of 2012, year over year. According to a study by NetElixer, which looked at data from 38 large U.S. retailers and 120 million search ad impressions, "revenue driven by paid search on Black Friday rose an impressive 31% year-over-year as advertisers invested 21% more in keyword advertising than they did in 2011." Do a few searches on keywords you care about. Your competitors are likely there in the sponsored results at the top of the SERP.

Friday 16 October 2015

seo traning in hyderabad

Web Vidhya is an “All in One” Training institute which was established to provide unparalleled Training services to the students from different parts of seo traning in hyderabad he world on various web and internet technologies. Modern trend is creating numerous opportunities for the skilled manpower on various technologies.seo traning in hyderabad

Wednesday 14 October 2015

why do Social Media Optimization?

Why Do You Need SEO and SMO?

Having a website to promote your business is not sufficient. What really matters is to drive traffic to your website so as to ensure visibility. SEO and SMO are important tools in ensuring traffic to your website.
SEO and SMO have become bywords these days. I was wondering what exactly is SEO and SMO, so I decided to find out. Here is what I was able to learn.

Birth of a Company
If an idea germinates in your mind, to capitalize on it you would like to convert it into a product or a service which others can use. For this, you need to start a company, build up infrastructure and start manufacturing the product or providing the service. How will people know about your product or service? You have got to let the world know about it by advertising.
Need for a Website
In these days of the internet marketing, the fastest way to reach out to people across the world or to a niche market is to get a great looking website made to showcase your product or service. Having a website alone is not sufficient; you have got to make people visit your website and generate footfalls or traffic.
Marketing your Website
How do people come to know about your website? The word of mouth and traditional newspaper or handbill advertising will not work, as they have limited reach. The purpose of making a website was to reach out to the world. For that Search Engines and Social Media platforms come to your rescue. When people type certain key words in a search engine, a link to your website or page on the social media platforms must show up in the results. But there could be thousands of results for those keywords, so how does that help? You have got to ensure that the link to your website or your page on the social media platform shows up at the top of the search results. Now that is a challenge. How do you achieve that? This is where SEO and SMO come in.

Use of SEO

Wikipedia defines SEO as “the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results – often referred to as “natural,” “organic,” or “earned” results.” Towards this end, an SEO Services Company will try to make sure that the visibility of your website to your target online audience through the medium of search engines improves by use of optimization methods, enabling listing on the first or at the most on the second page of organic search results. The Seo Services Company constantly tries to create brand new, superior and distinctive content written to generate the interest of your audience and then position quality links from related websites to point to that specific content.
Use of SMO

SMO is defined by Wikipedia as “the use of a number of social media outlets and communities to generate publicity to increase the awareness of a product, brand or event.” This makes it easier for people to build a community around your brand and share amongst their friends, thus helping search engines in indexing your social media page and related social activity and posts/blogs more easily.
The best SMO Agency in India will always keep the social media profile constantly updated to generate interest and traffic.

What is SMO?

SMO = Social Media Optimization / Search Marketing Optimization

SMO. Some call it social media optimization. Others refer to it as search marketing optimization. Either way, it is the next wave of online marketing, the perfect marriage between search engine optimization (SEO) and social media. As a business in the Internet Age, you can’t exist without addressing the critical issues of online visibility and customer interaction. That’s exactly what SMO is designed to do.
When used effectively social media can be one of your greatest assets for improving your site’s organic search results. By connecting with people in various online venues, you extend the reach of your business and increase opportunities for people to link to your main business page. Social media optimization helps connect all of your social media accounts in a cohesive, consistently branded network that points your potential customers where you want them to go. SMO Pros employs a strategic, multi-point process to build your successful SMO foundation, boost your SEO, and drive more potential customers to your site.

what is cloaking in seo?

 Best Answer:  It is un-ethical black hat SEO technique. The programmer writes a content for search engine purpose, but not for the people. Consequently, the search engine sees one content, but visitor sees other content. It's violation of Google webmaster guidelines.

The Google Spam team identifies it and possible to punish the website. If anyone follows such techniques give complaint to the Google Spam team at

what is doorway pages in seo?

Doorway pages are defined as low-quality pages (or groups of pages, or entire websites) optimized to rank well for specific keywords that act as a door between users and content. Characteristically, they offer little value to visitors and serve the sole purpose of boosting SEOvalue.

What is link farm?

a set of web pages created with the sole aim of linking to a target page, in an attempt to improve that page's search engine ranking.
"when soliciting inbound links to your site, avoid link farms and other sites that have obvious artificial links"


On the World Wide Web, a link farm is any group of web sites that all hyperlink to every other site in the group.[1] In graph theoretic terms, a link farm is a clique. Although some link farms can be created by hand, most are created through automated programs and services. A link farm is a form of spamming the index of search engine (sometimes called spamdexing or spamexing). Other link exchange systems are designed to allow individual websites to selectively exchange links with other relevant websites and are not considered a form of spamdexing.
Search engines require ways to confirm page relevancy. A known method is to examine for one-way links coming directly from relevant websites. The process of building links should not be confused with being listed on link farms, as the latter requires reciprocal return links, which often renders the overall back link advantage useless. This is due to oscillation, causing confusion over which is the vendor site and which is the promoting site.