
Wednesday 14 October 2015

why do Social Media Optimization?

Why Do You Need SEO and SMO?

Having a website to promote your business is not sufficient. What really matters is to drive traffic to your website so as to ensure visibility. SEO and SMO are important tools in ensuring traffic to your website.
SEO and SMO have become bywords these days. I was wondering what exactly is SEO and SMO, so I decided to find out. Here is what I was able to learn.

Birth of a Company
If an idea germinates in your mind, to capitalize on it you would like to convert it into a product or a service which others can use. For this, you need to start a company, build up infrastructure and start manufacturing the product or providing the service. How will people know about your product or service? You have got to let the world know about it by advertising.
Need for a Website
In these days of the internet marketing, the fastest way to reach out to people across the world or to a niche market is to get a great looking website made to showcase your product or service. Having a website alone is not sufficient; you have got to make people visit your website and generate footfalls or traffic.
Marketing your Website
How do people come to know about your website? The word of mouth and traditional newspaper or handbill advertising will not work, as they have limited reach. The purpose of making a website was to reach out to the world. For that Search Engines and Social Media platforms come to your rescue. When people type certain key words in a search engine, a link to your website or page on the social media platforms must show up in the results. But there could be thousands of results for those keywords, so how does that help? You have got to ensure that the link to your website or your page on the social media platform shows up at the top of the search results. Now that is a challenge. How do you achieve that? This is where SEO and SMO come in.

Use of SEO

Wikipedia defines SEO as “the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results – often referred to as “natural,” “organic,” or “earned” results.” Towards this end, an SEO Services Company will try to make sure that the visibility of your website to your target online audience through the medium of search engines improves by use of optimization methods, enabling listing on the first or at the most on the second page of organic search results. The Seo Services Company constantly tries to create brand new, superior and distinctive content written to generate the interest of your audience and then position quality links from related websites to point to that specific content.
Use of SMO

SMO is defined by Wikipedia as “the use of a number of social media outlets and communities to generate publicity to increase the awareness of a product, brand or event.” This makes it easier for people to build a community around your brand and share amongst their friends, thus helping search engines in indexing your social media page and related social activity and posts/blogs more easily.
The best SMO Agency in India will always keep the social media profile constantly updated to generate interest and traffic.

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